Sunday, December 4, 2011

Assignment 18

What I would change about our school campus is the fact that if you're tardy, you are obligated to attend a saturday school detention knowing that our school has insufficient funds to support this kind of movement. What I would consider is that, if students are truant or late to their classes on a regular basis, that the school board should deteriorate student's citizenship grade. If they have reached an "F" or a low grade, then let that be the students problem because having a low citizenship grade can affect the student in many negative ways. Such as neglecting them the participation in extra-curricular sports. As well as lowering their grade point average and inflicting a negative view in the students grade report. Another controversy that can arouse from this is the fact that the student is very irresponsible and immature due to the fact that the student doesn't arrive to school or classes on time, therefore he is seen as a imminent threat to the school and seen as a "bad" student. To my opinion, I implicate that the school board deflects the fact that tardies affect our citizenship grade because truancies give students a negative name as they are seen as malicient students. Another thing I would change about our school is the fact that if a student doesn't qualify for free lunch, he must pay in full for lunch and AP and IB Exams. If anything, kids who don't qualify for free lunch are students whose parents make too much money and in the U.S. the more money you make, the more money they strip from your pay check for taxes. So if anything, kids whose parents obtain a high income make a larger contribution to schools because they pay more for taxes and therefore they shouldn't be forced to pay more for lunch or exams.

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