Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Assignment 19

A controversial topic has always been questioned over the course of education is that of mandatory attendance. Should students be forced to assist school on a regular basis or do they hold the freedom to go whenever they feel like it? While many other young adults may argue that school attendance shouldn't be mandatory, I personally believe that school assistance should be mandatory dude to the fact that it can evoke characteristics as time goes by, such as responsibility and effort. School attendance doesn't always have to be mandatory or doesn't always have to be enforced to punish kids who regularly are truant to school. School attendance would improve enormously if there was some sort of reward given out to benefit the students. Such rewards can include prizes and raffles to kids who have maintained above a 90% attendance rate or special privileges that would grant them the ability to wear hats to school or personalized parking space. Education is an important factor that plays a critical role in our society because with education comes knowledge and with knowledge comes power.

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