Sunday, December 4, 2011

Assignment 17

An important issue that highly concerns and affects me is the immigrational issues placed upon "illegal aliens". It's funny how in the United States of America, white "americans" are look upon as the superior race and therefore they "hold" the right to vilify and critisize immigrants such as mexicans. When in reality, the white race are the real illegal aliens who came to this land without invitation and named it as their own. I personally believe that immigrants can obtain a temporal visa no matter what their economical status is, as long as they make a beneficial contribution to the American economy, cause that's what immigrants do, right? Immigrants take all the laborious jobs like farming and cropping, cleaning, and other jobs that no one wants to have. Immigrants play an enormous role in our agricultural status by working the fields and keeping our vegetation well nutritioned. If anything, the "superior" race should be grateful since immigrants obtain jobs with low wages and still make a significant change in our economical and agricultural status.

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